Write Brothers StoryView 2.0
I think that Write Brothers StoryView is a wonderful product! As you work on your dramatic writing process for either a script, play, or novel. Storyview 2.0 will allow you to view each scene in relation to the others. I developed my story on a dramatic writing software and then exported it over to StoryView. StoryView brought up the scenes beautifully and I was able to objectively view each screen in contrast to the other scenes - and also have a larger view of the story as a whole! Without this product most people would have to use index cards in order to perform this process. But with StoryView, the process is much easier. Plus, you are able to import dramatic writing ideas from other software and be able to arrange and critique the ideas in the StoryView software and then export the ideas to a script formatting software. I use all three in conjunction with each other. But the best benefit of these features is that you are able to view, piece together, and develop a story - all in one process with StoryView - and then the final step would be the technicality of formatting the story into a script! Also, I want to mention that you can also convert the scenes with StoryView into a Word document and be able to show your story to others who do not own the StoryView software. So, I am extremely happy with this product! It definitely is an aid to my writing as well as giving me an advantage as a writer over others who do not use these types of softwares. I would highly recommend this product!Get more detail about Write Brothers StoryView 2.0.