If you are looking for graphics just for fun this CD is for you. I wanted it because i like to make games with a program I have and these graphics are perfect for some of the games i have made. If you want this CD for serious stuff such as presentations and other prodjects i suggest not buying it- It is more for leisure.Get more detail about 10,000 Graphics Pack Vol 1.
วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 27 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2553
10,000 Graphics Pack Vol 1 Review
If you are looking for graphics just for fun this CD is for you. I wanted it because i like to make games with a program I have and these graphics are perfect for some of the games i have made. If you want this CD for serious stuff such as presentations and other prodjects i suggest not buying it- It is more for leisure.Get more detail about 10,000 Graphics Pack Vol 1.
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