This is an excellent line to make your own cards. Far superior to Hallmark and the
other ones out there. I have Greeting Card Factory #4 and simply LOVE it. There
is easy opportunity to edit/revise/delete/add wording and to actually see how it
will cover the picture/page when done. I would love to see #4 expanded because of
its adaptability, by adding more card pictures. Unfortunately so far they do not
seem to have another one with this capability.
I ordered #5 and found it didn't have the adaptability of changing wording to fit
one's needs--or else I didn't delve that far into it, like adding my name and date,
and editing, to what was already written there. That was my disappointment. How-
ever it was noticeably more complex in its choices, resources, uses, etc, and it
would take a more knowledgeable user to make use of all its potentials. I'd figure
it out in time, but for now I switched back to my Old Reliable #4.
So for #5, if your're knowledgeable, this offers much for its nominal cost. Either
one sure beats running to the drug store!Get more detail about Art Explosion Greeting Card Factory Deluxe 5.0.